King of Wands VeryVeryShopped; pencil,colored pencil, phoshop; 2005-2009

lindakentartist's picture
King of Wands VeryVeryShopped; pencil,colored pencil, phoshop; 2005-2009

Another in the photoshopped version of the cards I drew in pencil and colored pencil on 3x5 index cards. The original of this was awful; anything would have been an improvement....this is 2009 version of digitization of this; I like this one better.


J.A. Spahr-Summers's picture

king of wands

Very nice Linda!

I like the double exposure effect.


Subella's picture

I like this

Suzanne Bella Land
AKA Trimble

Mister E's picture

Do you have...

...any thing in a 'Wales based senior extended family member titled mystery / crime / shock / confusion' line featuring fake fake Elvi and defective jazz detectives?

lindakentartist's picture

Mr. E> Welshian Cymryisms

I am working on a book called "WATE" about an H2O shortage arising from that wasteful overconsumption of Rs by Americans, causing a certain tribe to pronounce the sound as "d" between vowels, and go without it altogethe in othe wods. Sent you a message here.
Moving back to mountains in NY.